los Angeles (USA), 15 Aug (EFE).-the foundation of Bill Gates and his wife Melinda will today put the final point to the fair “Reinvent the Toilet”, an event being held in Seattle this week aiming to publicize some prototypes of the toilet of the future.

the co-founder of Microsoft, which is now dedicated to philanthropy, promoted in 2011 what came to be called “challenge to reinvent the toilet”, a project aimed at universities in different countries in order to finance and encourage the search for technological improvements to one of the most used elements in homes around the world.

the fair, which began on Tuesday, served to see the result of those new designs and reward more brilliant ideas to develop a new generation of toilets.

the technological Institute of California received the first prize, endowed with $ 100,000, to create a toilet can generate hydrogen and electricity.

< p”> Second place, $60,000 Gold, went to Loughborough University, from United Kingdom, for a toilet that produces organic fuel, mineral and drinking water.

the University of Toronto, Canada, won the third prize of $ 40,000 by your toilet, which retrieves the feces and urine useful resources as well as water.

“toilets are extremely important for public health and, when you think about it, even for the dignity human. most of us who live in the developed world do not believe much in this,”said Gates in his blog, where to scored its fair of the toilet bowl as one of the”rarest”.

Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates aims with this initiative to promote the manufacture of more economic and efficient toilets that can be used in developing countries and contribute to improve the quality of life of millions of people.

“Vier van de 10 mensen zelfs toegang tot de toiletten niet hebben”, zei Gates, die dat opmerkt” uitvinden van nieuwe toiletten is een van de belangrijkste dingen die gedaan kan worden ter vermindering van de kindersterfte dood ’, en andere ziekten, op het moment dat “kan helpen besparen drinkbaar water in rijke landen”. EFE