Nouakchott, 29 jul (EFE).-the hepatitis B affects currently at one fifth of the Mauritanian, population disease that causes a 3,500 deaths annually, reported today sources officers.

A high responsibility of the Ministry of Health said today the daily Horizons that the infection rate has doubled from 10 to 20% of the population in a short time and that there are now half a million infected.

viral hepatitis have become “in a real public health problem” in Mauritania, told the newspaper the Secretary general of the Ministry, Sidi Ali Ould Sidi Bubacar.

before the resurgence of the disease, Bubacar said that his Government applied since 2004 the vaccine against hepatitis B in a free and voluntary manner within its expanded programme of vaccinations, as well as launching numerous awareness-raising campaigns to establish prevention practices among the population.

< p> De meest effectieve preventiemaatregelen omvatten onder meer bescherming in seksuele relaties, de verplichte veranderingen van alle dermale of hypodermic naald al gebruikt en het verbod van het delen van alle soorten van scherpe voorwerpen. EFE