Bucharest, 21 jun (EFE).-the former Romanian Minister Adrian Nastase has today been operated in Bucharest and is in good condition, once you tried to commit suicide last night shot after confirming his sentence to two years in jail for corruption.

“the patient has had luck, won’t have sequels,” stated Dr. Ioan Lascar, of the bucarestino hospital Floreasca where conducted the intervention.

Nastase, of 62 years, has affected any vital organ added the doctor in a wheel of press.

which was first Minister of Romania between 2000 and 2004 was shot last night in the throat in the presence of the police, who had come to his home to take him to prison.

one of the agents managed to deflect the weapon when Nastase was aimed at the head, but the politician managed to squeeze the trigger and the bullet reached his throat.

hours eerder, een hoge Roemeense Hof had bevestigd overtuiging tot twee jaar in de gevangenis voor illegale financiering van zijn campagne voor de presidentsverkiezingen van 2004.

is de eerste veroordeling van een Minister-president in de bijna 23 jaar van de post-communistische democratie in Roemenië.

het arrest heeft zijn geprezen door vele analisten als een precedent in de strijd tegen corruptie in Roemenië.

eigen Nastase en andere commentatoren beschouwen het proces een politiek proces georkestreerd door Traian Basescu, de huidige voorzitter van de centrum-rechtse en verklaarde vijand van Nastase. EFE