San Jose, 28 Aug (EFE).-the defender of the inhabitants of Costa Rica, Ofelia Taitelbaum, today expressed his confidence that the Inter-American Court of human rights (CorteIDH) ordered this year to this Central American country lift the ban to fertilization in vitro.

“believe that the Court will rule in favor of lifting the ban to the in vitro fertilization (…) people will understand that this is about rights and members have to realize that to make a draft law according to our times”, declared Taitelbaum at press conference

the next 5 and 6 September the CorteIDH be carried out at its headquarters in Costa Rica, the hearing against the Costa Rican State in the case known as “Artavia Murillo and others against Costa Rica”, filed by multiple families.

< p> La demanda busca que se elimine la prohibición de la fecundación in vitro establecida por la Sala Constitucional nl el año 2000, cuando consideró que esa técnica violenta los derechos de los geen nacidos.

despues de la audiencia, nl la que los doen escucharán a las presuntas víctimas y een representantes del Estado, la Corte dará un mes para que las partes entreguen sus alegatos finales por escrito y emitirá un fallo este mismo año, según ha explicado el presidente del tribunal, el peruano Diego García-Sayán.

Para la ombudsman costarricense, el Estado ha discriminado een las mujeres con la prohibición de la fecundación in vitro y ha violentado los derechos a la igualdad y geen discriminación, a la salud, la salud reproductiva y el progreso científico.

La Defensoría de los Habitantes entregará un informe a la CorteIDH en la que expondrá su posición zondigen ser parte del proceso pero bajo la figura jurídica de Amicus Curiae (amigo de la Corte).

La reproductive technique of in vitro fertilization in Costa Rica faces the opposition of the Catholic Church, other religious groups, some political parties and groups in civil society, who consider that infringes on the rights of the unborn and human life.

“today science has come a long way and this technique is now fertilized one or two eggs and these are those who are implanted (in the womb of the woman). no longer spoken of discarded (fertilized eggs)”, said the advocate of the people.

Costa Rica is the only American country is prohibited where IVF, which is regarded as the main treatment for infertility when other methods of assisted reproduction have no success.

the Government of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, President tried in 2011 approve several bills to open a window to this technique, but all failed in the Congress.

< p> Bestand afbeelding van een groep burgers op 27 juli 2011, tijdens een demonstratie buiten de wetgevende vergadering van Costa Rica in San Jose, ten gunste van in vitro bevruchting. WireImage /