Havana, 10 jul (EFE).-the town of Manzanillo in the East of Cuba continues under preventive measures to deal with the cholera outbreak recorded in that zone where apparently the number of sick by this ailment is 85 people, according to Efe said today several neighbors of the municipality.

a week ago the Cuban Government confirmed an outbreak of cholera “controlled” in Manzanillo – locality of 130.500 inhabitants located in the province of Granma, to more than 800 kilometres to the East of La Habana – e reported that affected 53 had and three deceased.

since then, have not disclosed more official information nationally about the case.

several neighbors of Manzanillo today consulted by Efe by telephone confirmed that local authorities spoke last Saturday from a total of 85 cases, while maintaining a ’strong’ work of prevention with the population.

a neighbor named Manuel indicated that the Department of hygiene and epidemiology of the region performs “parties” daily on the situation by local stations radio or television and the outbreak is “well controlled”.

as he pointed out, health authorities have at their disposal “all resources” and the necessary transportation to visit different communities and two days ago that they do not enter new cases to hospitals, according to those reports premises.

another resident in Manzanillo, Ana Arencibia, pointed out that both in neighborhoods and on television and local radio has been called so that the population to boil water and cook good food.

in addition, a queried who preferred anonymity added that it is supplied to inhabitants ’sodium hypochlorite’ bottles to throw overboard, has banned the use of waters from wells and doctors visit homes to verify the compliance of the measures.

sources nationale en lokale ambtenaren geraadpleegd door Efe in de afgelopen dagen verstrekt niet actuele informatie op de uitbraak van cholera.

van het communiqué op 3 juli, noch de regering, noch de nationale media hebben gegeven meer details van de epidemiologische situatie in de oostelijke provincie gelegen ongeveer 800 kilometer ten oosten van La Habana.

een officiële blogger bekend als Yohandry geweigerd in zijn logboek die er zijn gevallen van cholera in Havana, “gemeld uitbraken van diarree, typisch voor deze zomermaanden”, waar hij schreef onder vermelding van een bron van het ministerie van volksgezondheid van Cuba.

volgens deze blogger, “alle ziekenhuizen hebben de nodige middelen om te gaan met elke situatie” en in de provincie Granma “leverde ook een directe systeem van informatie aan het publiek, die Het gebruikt de lokale media en andere communicatiemiddelen te oriënteren de dorpelingen”. EFE