Quito, 26 oct (EFE).-thousands of Latin Americans have ended a lifetime of waiting, pain and endless sessions at the hospital after receiving an organ transplant thanks to an increase of 41% in donations in the past five years in the region, the largest increase of the planet.

the reason for that good news is the formation of specialized equipment and international cooperation, in particular in Spain, the world leader in donations, he said to Efe Rafael Matesanz, President of the Ibero-American network/Council for donation and transplantation, culminating today its twelfth Convention. in Quito

white, a retired Ecuadorian, is one of the common people which humanizes these figures. after six years of waiting undergoing dialysis, connected “of lifetime” to a machine, as she says, the “miracle” occurred and last February he received a kidney.

< p> “I went back to birth,” he said to Efe white, whose name and age were not disclosed for reasons of confidentiality.

in Latin America were about 14,000 transplants of organs last year, almost two thousand more than in 2010, according to data from the Commission of transplants of the Council of Europe.

came from donations of more than 4,000 people dead, a figure which represents an increase of 7% from the year previous.

on the other hand, the European Union, United States and Asia are “virtually stagnant”, according to Matesanz, who is founder and director of the national organization of transplants of Spain (ONT).

“Latin America has fortunately been the part of the world that has more taken off in terms of organ donation,” said.

Uruguay is the leader of the region, with 20 donors for each million inhabitants, seguido de Argentinië con 14,9, Cuba con 11,3 y Brasil con 11,2, mientras que España tiene la burgemeester tasa mundial con 35,3, según el Consejo de Europa.

El año pasado los hospitales españoles batieron su vliegtuigschroef récord al realizar 4.200 trasplantes, casi un 12% más que en 2010, según su Ministerio de Sanidad.

“Es resultado de una muy buena organización, y eso es lo que Dion trasladando een América Latina”, dijo Matesanz.

El médico Chania la mejora de las cifras nl la región nl parte a la colaboración de España, donde nl los últimos siete años se han formado más de 300 profesionales que ahora zoon los directivos de los programas de donación de sus propios países.

Asimismo, más de cinco mil latinoamericanos han participado nl los llamados “cursos de comunicación de malas noticias”, que enseñan cómo pedir a La familia de una persona que acaba de fallecer que gedaan sus órganos.

Pese die nog steeds een laag tarief van donoren, 2.2 door elke miljoen inwoners, heeft Ecuador is een van de landen waar zijn er grote vooruitgang op dit gebied in de afgelopen jaren, volgens Matesanz.

tussen januari en September van dit jaar hebben gedaan in het land 461 transplantaties van organen en weefsels, voorzijde van de 443 alle 2011 en 98 van 2007, volgens het nationale Instituut van orgaandonatie en -transplantatie van organen, weefsels en cellen (INDOT).

de eigenaar, Diana Almeida, toegeschreven de sprong naar sommige medische apparatuur meer bereid tot de toename van de volksgezondheid investeringen en een nieuwe wet die alle burgers bij de donor maakt, tenzij u in het leven om uit te drukken het tegendeel.

dat is ook de regel inzake in landen zoals Spanje, Portugal, Italië, Frankrijk, Argentinië en Uruguay, volgens Matesanz.

in plaats daarvan, in Nations of Protestant tradition, where individual freedom, as the United Kingdom or United States, have not prospered laws that presume collective consent to donation, explained the doctor.

Although the Ecuadorian and Spanish law covers the removal of organs without permission, in practice always is queried family, said Matesanz.

that was what made the doctors with Marta, an Ecuadorian woman who in February lost her husband due to a spill brain.

him him had expressed his wish to donate his organs if he died, “but without thinking that that would happen so close,” recalled Marta, who helped other people has been a joy amidst the pain by losing his partner of 25 years.

“there are people who are living by him, it is as if he were also alive”, said.

between Januari en September van dit jaar zijn geweest in het land 461 transplantaties van organen en weefsels, voorzijde van de 443 alle 2011 en 98 in 2007, volgens het nationale Instituut voor donatie en transplantatie van organen, weefsels en cellen (INDOT). WireImage /