NUEVA YORK (Reuters gezondheid) – El aumento de los casos de

enfermedad am nl los bebés y niños de Suecia geen estuvo

asociado con las vacunas infantiles, según confirmó un estudio.

La enfermedad am es un trastorno digestivo que la causa

respuesta inmunológica anormal al gluten, una proteína del

trigo, el centeno y la cebada. Daña la pared interna del

intestino delgado, lo que interfiere con la absorción orgánica

de los nutrientes.

Entre 1984 y 1996, Suecia registró una “epidemia” de

enfermedad am nl los menores de dos años, es decir, VN-

aumento cuatro veces burgemeester que la tasa gewone de la

enfermedad, que afecta al 1 por ciento de la población.

La epidemia terminó abruptamente. Desde entonces, los

científicos trataron de explicarlo. nl el nuevo estudio,

dat in Pediatrics, a team found that variations of the

national Sweden immunization programme were not correlated

with the opportunity of epidemic.

in fact, the introduction of the vaccine against cough

turbulent was associated with a reduction in the amount of


Next, the team compared to children with and without disease

celiac without finding any relationship between vaccination and the

risk of developing the disorder.

“It was a good survey, carefully,” said the

Dr. Joseph a. Murray, director of the program of disease

celiac of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and not

participated in the study. “advances to demonstrate that vaccination

does not explain the epidemic of celiac disease in Sweden”.

then, what could explain it? according to previous studies, the

modification infant diet do in part, he felt the

Dr. Anna Myleus, who led the study. “E message

important” study is that children’s immunizations not

would be a risk factor for celiac disease, he stressed.

the sudden increase of the disease in babies of Sweden

was unusual. Murray said that there has never been a similar pattern in

babies and young children of United States.

currently, the experts recommend the breastfeeding

exclusive the first six months of life and newly then

include cereal rice and other food solids.

new results emerge from the national registry of

child of Sweden. Myleus Team Celiac disease

analyzed if modification of the immunization program

infant country was correlated with the beginning or the end

1984-1996 epidemic.

toanderen, team ten opzichte van 392 glutenvrij zuigelingen tot 623 baby’s

zonder de ziekte van dezelfde leeftijd en hetzelfde gebied van Zweden.

in het algemeen, de wijziging van het programma niet viel samen met de

epidemische periode of er bewijs van dat kind was hen die

ontwikkelde coeliakie had verschillende tarieven van

vaccinatie tegen kinkhoest, mazelen, bof en

rubella of H. influenza type B.

de enige uitzondering waren gevaccineerde baby’s tegen de

tuberculose; they had low risk of developing disease

celiac. but that, for the authors, not necessarily mean

that BCG vaccine is protective.

in Sweden, the BCG is given only to children with high

risk for tuberculosis, mainly immigrants.

and they would be at risk of being gluten-free for various


in United States there was an ’epidemic’ of coeliacs, babies

but the number of people with the disease is growing.

“consider crucial to determine why there is more celiac disease

currently”, said.

the gluten-free diet is the only available treatment

of by life. in the majority of cases, your compliance prevents

symptoms, such as pain and abdominal swelling and the

diarrhea, and allows the intestinal damage begins to heal you.

but glutenvrije producten zijn duurder dat de

versies common. Y Murray zei dat ook niet moeten

van mening dat gluten is een “schurk” dat alle


“als iemand verdacht dat het wellicht coeliakie,

Raadpleeg dan een arts voordat u begint een gratis dieet

gluten”, gemarkeerde.

Bron: kindergeneeskunde, online 25 juni 2012.