Bogota, 9 jul (EFE).-the health of the Vice President of Colombia, Angelino Garzon, is progressing at a good pace and already beginning to recover “the basic faculties”, reported today the representative of that country, Juan Manuel Santos, after visiting the family.

“the important news is that is progressing every day, and that them has been recovering all the basic signs, the basic faculties,”, said Santos after a visit to the wife of Garzon, the Spanish Montserrat Muñoz, on the first day of medical treatment at home of the Vice President.

Santos said then, according to a bulletin of your Cabinet, as Garzon now ’acknowledges, feels’ and according to the family “up in some form listening to newspapers, headlines. increasingly is evolving more, that it is important”, added.

Vice President recovers in your House with visits restricted since last Friday, when he received the high medical team which treated him in the Reina Sofía Bogota clinic, where entered on June 14 with a prostate infection and then suffered a cerebral ischemia (reduction of cerebral blood flow).

a team of the Department of rehabilitation of the clínica Universidad de La Sabana is involved with Queen Sofia in this treatment physicians politician. is put at his residence

“She (Montserrat Muñoz) tells me that it continues to evolve positively, that they are doing all the therapies, doctors give positive parts every day, but you have to have patience, patience to see really what sequels has been able to leave this that the Vice President had”, added Santos.

in addition, warned that “lack time to say exactly in what situation is” who was his running mate in the election of 2010.

Garzóneen gerenommeerde vakbondsleider, dienden ook als Minister van arbeid in de regering van Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002) en ambassadeur tot de Verenigde Naties in Genève tijdens het voorzitterschap van Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010). EFE