in general we do not have enough space in the mouth to accommodate them and the function of these teeth is becoming minor. in addition, when erupt, they can cause major inconvenience. but removing them is not recommended in all cases, according to specialists.

to explain the existence of the trial or third molar teeth we must go back to our ancestors. “primitive man had a highly developed jaw and the space they had inside the arcades where the teeth are located was right that might be these wheels”, says Ana Suarez, Coordinator academic faculty of Sciences Biomedical of the University European for Madrid.

“But at present, the maxillary bones are smaller and wear that we do with food is not appropriate to also use the wisdom teeth”, adds the PhD in dentistry.

without However, the function of the wisdom teeth is becoming less, highlights José María Suárez Quintanilla, President of the Spanish society of oral surgery (SECIB). the specialist says that there is “a high percentage of patients which are not formed or erupt”.

some people leave them wheels trial and others not for “genetic, clinical and functional” reasons, said the specialist.

This usually has to do with “space, characteristics of the bone problems presence of cysts or other teeth in the area of eruption”, clarifies.

for Suarez Quintanilla, there are multiple reasons that justify that in the future these molars appear fewer times in the tooth structure of the human being. arch

Ana Suárez also points out that it is likely that these wheels stop of exit. “but the evolution is a long process and we are talking about many generations”, says.

Although ya hooi personas que presentan agenesia, es decir, geen les se ha formado una de las Kapa del Juicios, dos, tres o ninguna de las cuatro. Estas Kapa geen salen “porque geen las necesitamos”, indica.

een otras personas sí se les forman las Kapa del Juicios, pero no llegan een brotar. Esto se conoce como Kapa del Juicios impactadas, apuntan los expertos de la Asociación tandheelkundige de Californië. “Desafortunadamente, estas Kapa pueden causar estragos debajo de la línea de las encías al crecer y dañar otras piezas dentales”, precisan.

La odontóloga asegura que las molestias “aparecen nl aquellas personas que no tienen espacio y nl las que ese intento de salir que geen BELLISIMA een ningun sitio se prolonga y se cronifica”.

De hecho, la burgemeester parte de los problemas derivados de las Kapa del se deben a la falta de espacio para su erupción, sostienen los expertos del Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de Navarra (norte de España).

Por Zuivering León.

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twee bovenste kiezen semi-incluidas in een oudere patiënt. Foto: Biomedische Wetenschappen Faculteit van de Universidad Europea de Madrid.