One remember a post on the program THAO-child health published recently? Therefore this programme has carried out a study recently among 17.088 children of twenty-four autonomous communities, and the results are very alarming: one out of five Spanish children aged three to twelve years suffers overweight or obesity.

And what is más:almost seven per cent of children aged three to five years are obese, and eleven percent are above their recommended weight. For the President of the Spanish nutrition society this fact is really worrisome, because as it is raising the age of the children also grow obesity and overweight.

This is so true that between six and nine years reached a proportion of twenty-one percent, rising to the twenty-three between ten and twelve years. Girls suffer more from this problem than the guys

This study constitutes the largest analyzed so far show in Spain and most recently in this sector of the population ages. He took into account a poll on children’s physical activity. Apparently, most performed very little exercise or less than what would be recommended (a daily hour at least).

Another very worrying fact is that the smallest of three to five years, it costs them to do activities that require moving the Chair. This situation seems to be caused in part by haste ” in today’s society, whose habits have changed dramatically in recent years and that displacement of children up to three years make many times in the pushchair.


Tags: Studies health, childhood obesity, program Thao