only one of every ten cases of cardiac is an intervention of resuscitation before the arrival of the emergency teams
within the framework of the National Congress, which the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN) held in the Palace of congresses and exhibitions Ciudad de Oviedo ” from 2 to 5 November and brings together more than 5,000 mPrimary care édicos
-primary care doctors play a large role in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, from the points of view of health and health care education, insofar as they are, on many occasions, the first to attend to cases of stop cardiaca.
-the rate of survival after a heart stopIt is currently 10%, would increase with a greater understanding by the population of the chain of survival to perform when it is a case of this kind.
– every minute that delayed the defibrillation, the possibility of survival of the affected decreases a % 10.
Oviedo, 2011-November When there is a heart stop, every moment is vital. In fact, every minute is delayed the defibrillation – is provided by a health or any person that can handle a semi-automatic defibrillator – 10% less chance of survival of the affected party. However, only one of every ten people by a heart stop receives a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before the arrival of medical equipment.
For this reason, attention Primara doctors defend, within the framework of the celebration of the National Congress, which the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN) held in Oviedo from 2 to 5 November, the expansion of the knowledge of the general population on CPR techniques.
Primary care doctors play a large role in the CPR, both from the point of view of health education – consultation and the home and from the medical point of view, insofar as they are, in many cases, the first to attend to cases of heart stop, and the first to be able to practice the defibrillation in those cardiac stops where it is advisable to do it.
Most of the people aware of the phone numbers of emergency 112 which can help in these cases – the first link in the chain of survival.
A too low survival rate
Survival rate after a heart stop, which is currently only 10%, would amount to a greater understanding by the general population of those techniques suitable for each case. As pointed out by Dr. Ginés MartÃnez, the SAMU of Asturias family physician the extension of these knowledge and practice for the general population, as well as wider dissemination of semiautomatic defibrillators, would increase survival rates before cases of cardiac sudden death ”.
As explained by Dr. Martinez, basic CPR techniques are really simple and the time to invest for their knowledge is brief. In 2 or 3 hours could have sufficient knowledge of basic CPR maneuvers to be able to intervene in a case of this kind ”, maneuvers of CPR to mean those that lead to the recognition of the situation, the system of emergency alert and the realization of chest compressions and ventilation mouth, waiting to go workforce that can provide more advanced help, especially the realization of defibrillation.
According to Dr. Francisco Javier Fonseca del Pozo, Coordinator of the emergency working group SEMERGEN, is shown that if you know the techniques of CPR increases the percentage of people who start these techniques and, moreover, are carried out promptly. In studies made in the years 2009 and 2010, in Europe first and Japan the second, on cardiorespiratory stops extra hospital, found that when began CPR by witnesses, overall survival increased from 5% to 12% and survival with neurological recovery full of 2% to 6%. In addition, it was less time since the beginning until the end of CPR, teaming up with best neurological outcomes. The proportion of patients who received CPR by witnesses increased from 18.8% to 36%. Even, a study conducted in Arizona for five years, found that overall survival increased from 3.7% to 9.8% to make them CPR ”.
A chain of survival for life-saving
It is called the chain of survival to the succession of actions that must occur before a person at heart stop, to achieve the maximum possible survival. According to the expert, these steps are: 1 alert to the system of medical emergencies, phone 112, in 2nd place the practice of basic CPR maneuvers, 3 the realization of a precocious and 4th defibrillation implementation of care experts in the shortest possible time.
Besides knowing this string, the entire population should be able to participate in the first two links in the chain. In addition, Dr. Martinez, onwards the largest number of people should have knowledge and authorization to perform a defibrillation as soon as possible through the use of semiautomatic defibrillators that have been installed in many places where there is large attendance (malls)(, sports stadiums, …).
Therefore, as pointed out by Dr. Fonseca, is necessary not only that the family doctor is formed, but should be to inform the population these techniques in a regulated manner and under the umbrella of the Spanish Council of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, of which our SEMERGEN is an active member ”.
Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN)
SEMERGEN is the pioneer of primary care in Spain, with 37 years of experience. He was established with the objective of promoting family medicine through the maintenance and improvement of the professional competence of physicians, promoting research and facilitating the continuing education of the physician in order to maintain the quality in the care of the health of citizens.
Currently, SEMERGEN has more than ten thousand members, and is present in all professional fields, being the scientific society that brings together the most doctors work in primary care.
It has 17 regional delegations and held democratic elections every 4 years. SEMERGEN Foundation was established in 1999. This year it will hold its thirty-third Congress as well as dozens of regional conferences. Her you can find any information on the activities organized by the society in