The use of apparatus for orthodontic correction can minimize facial muscle pains, headaches and humming.< span id = "more-11864" >


smile conveys joy, congeniality and is one of the best ’ business cards ’ of a person. The appearance of the face is another factor that has a significant role in personal attractiveness and influence the acceptance of his own image and self-esteem. However, not everyone is comfortable with her smile and her face due to dental problems. malocclusion, the improper positioning of the teeth and other dentofacial anomalies affect the aesthetic and functional part of the mouth and its structures, causing painful symptoms ”, says Gerson Köhler, specialist in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics.

headaches, pain in the facial muscles, functional changes of face joints, migraine, tinnitus and pain sensation in the ears are some symptoms that are related to issues of form and function of the buccal area. excessive masticatory muscle action, especially when apertamentos day and night occur and unilateral chewing inappropriate, can also trigger these these discomforting symptoms affecting the head, the face and the neck ”, says Gerson, who is part of the interdisciplinary team of Köhler Ortofacial.

More than the desire to have a beautiful smile, the need to treat the cause of these symptoms leads many adults to seek orthodontic treatments. To fix the position of the teeth, as the mouth closes and the way the dental arches fit brings aesthetic and functional benefits, both physical and psychological. dentofacial anomalies, including teeth, dental arches and masticatory muscles in the overall context of the face, has significant implications for the physical and mental health and psycho-social interaction and behavior of people ”,


a scientific study published in the European Journal of Orthodontics, analyzed a sample of people with orthodontic problems. About 40% of the analyzed Group felt physical and psychological discomfort because of malocclusion of the teeth and their reflection in the harmony and beauty of the face. Of this percentage, 71% of respondents were women. the sense of inconvenience caused by problems that affect the mouth and face is reflected in the experience of individuals, mostly women, who are more demanding in relation to their body appearance than men ”, Gerson

according to the survey, the main complaints of the patients were chewing difficulties, speech problems and dentofacial anomalies related to neuromuscular issues. The study also revealed that the individual perception of the physical and psychological benefits promoted by orthodontic treatment is directly linked to socioeconomic status and knowledge of individuals on dental and facial changes. adults should know that the absence of these anomalies treatment affects the overall health and longevity of a healthy mouth, ”.

the orthodontic correction of oral problems also ensures a more aesthetic looking face, harmonic and jovial. To the orthodontist, this is one of the major psychological motivations of adults for the search of orthodontic correction treatments. there is a questionnaire used by professionals in the area that helps the patient to understand better and to determine more accurately their complaints related to the pursuit of harmony, smile face and mouth. The aspirations and expectations of adult patient should be clear to the expert, so the use of this method is important, says ”.

the questionnaire was developed by renowned researchers from harmony and facial beauty and is considered crucial to guide expectations about orthodontic treatment. I recommend performing an evaluation for anyone wanting to know how their health and appearance 233. Deal with the issues that influence the form and function of the face and mouth brings enormous benefits in terms of health and aesthetics as well as promoting well-being and quality of life ”, adds Gerson, a visiting professor of graduate from UFPR, since 1988.

