pain is the most common symptom is the physiotherapist

World Day against pain

Madrid, 2011-October the President of the General Council of schools of physical therapists of Spain (CGCFE), José Antonio Martín Urrialde, on the occasion of world day against painHe has remembered that pain is the most common symptom that physical therapist must implement a wide range of therapeutic means, especially if it is muscle-skeletal origin.

In addition to the pain of muscle-skeletal origin, the President of the Council has stressed that another area of action of the physiotherapist is origin facial pain, before which pointed out, a number of techniques have been developed specific, now allowing easy monitoring and resolution ”.

World day of pain, Martín Urrialde has been in value the scientific contribution made by more than ten research teams, in an effort to deliver solutions with minimum side effects and maximum effectiveness, to cooperate with other health professions in mitigating a problem posed by 43.5 per cent of health care claims made by the users ”.


The General Council of physiotherapists schools of Spain (CGCFE) is the body that represents more than 40,000 physiotherapists, in Spain, dealing with the common goal of promoting the health of citizens. In addition, orders the profession, guardianship the interests of physiotherapy, as well as its optimal implementation and universalization.

Physiotherapists are health professionals, as foreseen in existing legislation, accredited with the University degree in physical therapy, taught at 43 universities and holders of knowledge and skills designed to benefit the health of the population. Furthermore, there is a greater number of doctorates and masters, to ensure their high qualification.