Papillomavirus accordance with the Committee of experts convened by the Ministry of health no relationship exists some between seizures suffered by two girls in Valencia with the human papillomavirus vaccine:

the close temporal relationship to vaccination in the two cases of Valencia indicated that the administration of the vaccine might act as a precipitating the clinical picture, but has not found any evidence to support a biological relationship with the vaccine ”. turn doctors have rejected any connection with a possible similar case in the Balearic Islands and have stressed that two girls of valencia:

clinical features and the absence of electrical, neuroimaging and analytical signs indicate that paroxysmal episodes do not correspond with an illness or injury neurological, cardiac, or systemic ”..


According to these experts that girls suffered was probably a conversion disorder, i.e., in a State of anxiety, the vaccine might act as a mere trigger for seizures. This conclusion is supported in turn have been examiado all cases of the State and Europe from possible adverse effects (particularly seizures), after the administration of the vaccine without finding any biological relationship.

Tags: Cancer, Papilloma vaccine