Prevent decay of your children is simple
Let your children have healthy teeth and perfect dental health requires not only a remarkable hygienic care, a concern for their diet
Preventing tooth decay in young is not so complicated, it is only necessary to follow a few tips and routines that make it easier for children to show off a perfect smile, not only in infancy but also in adults. Going to the dentist should be a chore, as well as giving instructions for brushing your teeth, it can diagnose a problem imperceptible to the parents, who caught early can prevent complications in the long run.
Healthy eating, healthy teeth
One of the main causes of tooth decay is the frequency of consumption of sugars and / or acids in the diet, such as such as soft drinks, sweets, chocolates, etc.. This type of food as the dentist advised Lourdes Garcia-Payo , “must be offered as a rule the children as a reward. For example, you can give them during the weekends and try to replace them for the rest of the week for vegetables such as carrots, cheese or fruit such as apples also contain sugars, but not refined, which are those that cause cavities “. So, to reach children not to suffer the problem of decay is much more effective to prevent them before they happen, as it is more difficult to treat in time that are already present in the teeth.
Knowing how to clean teeth
parent education is essential for the correct explanation of cleaning the teeth of children. If parents are well aware of the technique, get their children to assimilate as a task to perform during the day on hygiene, such as showering or washing your hair. In this sense, García – Payo makes the following recommendation: “A major cause of tooth decay is the lack of oral hygiene or, conversely, poor hygiene, so it is important to ensure not only that it is done daily, but is carried out effectively. ” teeth cleaning to be effective must be taken after meals, as often we wash hands before eating. If gradually taught this to children, over time, you will not need to remind this obligation because it will take as one more routine.