Primary care doctors already suffering the consequences of the cuts, with consultations in which “multiplied” patients and less time to meet them, which worsens the quality of care. Therefore, they have joined the call for rebellion of the schoolboy medical organization (WTO) and ask that cuts “not go to more” because, otherwise, “it will not idly”.

So said Dr. Josep Fumadó, national member of Rural primary care of the WTO and a member of the forum for primary care physicians, has met this Thursday in Madrid. Its participants have made “an appeal to the responsibility of health managers” to halt the cuts, which are “eroding” the quality of care of AP and generating stress the doctor.

In the last three or four months, I open the query, I have to do the administrative work of the staff is no longer and order of Pediatrics, also receive regular patients, which have multiplied and for which now I have less time”, features Fumadó putting his case as an example, by ensuring that, in the end,”are patients who pay this situation”.

In this sense is also manifested the CESM AP sector Secretary, Salvador Galán, who has called for the cessation of pay cuts by career that, in variable form, have been applied already in autonomies as Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Madrid, the Canary Islands, La Rioja and Valencia.

For Heartthrob, these cuts, ranging from the total suppression of these accessories – as it has happened in Aragon, the Balearic Islands and Madrid – until its reduction in half – as happened in Valencia – also could affect the quality of care, since these incentives to motivate them to improve each day.

According to Dr. José Luis Bonal, President of the Spanish society of paediatric Extrahospitalaria and primary care (SEPEAP) and spokesperson, on this occasion, of the forum for primary care physicians, there is a “decapitalization” of the PA which also reduces the quality of care.

“Already is – insists – being the deterioration and so are paying citizens”, denounces, ensuring that there are other avenues, to ensure the sustainability of this level of care, apart from cuts, including reducing bureaucracy that these professionals take care.

Additionally from the WTO, the CESM and SEPEAP, in this forum are the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN); the Spanish society of General Medicine (SEMG); the Spanish society of family and community (Semfyc) medicine and the Spanish Association of Pediatrics of primary care (pediatricians).