professionals of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre perform simulations of attention in children after an accident

course on the importance of the initial attention to Pediatric Trauma

Madrid, March 2012.- correct initial health devices and action of civil protection in the first half-hour after an accident of a child decreases significantly the risk of mortality and morbidity. This is one of the conclusions of the course of initial assistance to the Pediatric Trauma, organized four times a year by the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre and Hospital Infantil La Paz

the course is based on teaching to medical practitioners and nurses known as ABCDE method which consists of prioritizing the care of patientstrying to solve in the shortest time possible injuries that threaten the lives of minors. Therefore the first interventions must follow a specific order that begins with check airway and immobilize the cervical spine, adequately ventilate, and control, bleeding, blood circulation and neurological status, ending with the exposure and control of hypothermia.

Once stabilised the vital signs, is carried out a second physical examination of injuries which had no vital risk in the first evaluation, but should be identified to establish a correct final treatment. In this way prevents hypoxia – lack of oxygen-hypovolemia – lack of blood- and hypothermia – lack of temperature.

Causes of mortality

During this initial assistance to the paediatric Trauma it has become clear that trauma are all those injuries of different etiologies that occurred during childhood. In particular, the most frequent causes of death among children from 0 to 18 years are accidents, drowning – main causes among children under five years – and burns.

Although there is no definitive data, it is verified that more than 30 per cent of children who suffer an accident has a greater or lesser number of definitive consequences according to the initial attention received in the first half-hour after the incident and the injuries suffered.

Practice with mock

The course is aimed at medical-pediatricians, traumatologists, surgeons, children’s, ICU, anesthetists, hospital and medical services of family can handle at a time to this type of patient. To improve the approach of injured children, those attending the course have participated in practices with actors trained and characterized, in which have faced large burns, severe injuries, bone fractures and serious head and abdominal injuries, among others.

The third day of the course is carried out, in collaboration with and in the facilities of Civil protection of San Sebastián de los Reyes, a simulacrum of accidents with multiple casualties in which students can apply what they learned during the first two days of the course.