Nori seaweed, are an essential part of one of the most popular exotic dishes, the shushi. In Japanese cuisine, china and Korean is used in many recipes such as stews and salads. A reddish tone and its benefits for our body, are multiple.
For example have a high content in vegetable proteins, iron, potassium, iodine, magnesium, provitamin A, vitamin B 12 and fiber. Although we must take them within us, as much iodine, it may cause hypothyroidism. in addition, they are rich in amino acids, improve circulation, they are excellent for hair health, decrease cholesterol, improve memory and concentration, are diuretic and ideal for diets hipocaloricas.
Otherwise, are a rich delicacy, prized in Eastern cuisine, which gives a delicious touch to their dishes. But for taste colors, in my opinion this alga is ideal for our organism.
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Tags: edible algae, seaweed nori, seaweed nutrition