Red what good is the wine, when it is good! Isn’t it? This precious liquid, revered since ancient times, has undergone periods of genuine contempt and even curses due to its ability to rejoice ” life … but quite a few years now, its beneficial effects are merely acquaintances, always you consume with moderation. And what is the reason that red wine is good for health, in addition to for our welfare? As an ingredient called resveratrol.Resveratrol is a polyphenol of stilbene type; this kind of substances produce them some plants to protect themselves from possible injuries that produce them the rays of the Sun. Is this protective capacity which has been made that the scientific community has been interested in properties beneficial to human beings.

among others, resveratrol is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cardioprotective effects and might even have a potential action anticancer. However, there is to say that your possible availability from different foods is something that is still studying.

Which foods are rich in this compound? Because we can find, apart from in red wine (more than whites and pink; apparently, as the resveratol found in greater quantity in the skin of the grapes, how much longer fermentation happens wine, most will be), skin and pips of black grapes, the grape juice, grape juice and blueberries.

One more reason to enjoy the DRAM of wine with meals that our grandparents always appreciated so much … goodness that not everything that is good is forbidden!


Tags: benefits wine red, properties wine, resveratrol wine