Second Symposium supportive of homeopathy and psychosomatic

-School Latin American homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann –

Seville, January 2012- the Royal and illustrious College of physicians of Seville will host the II Symposium solidarity of homeopathy and psychosomatic during days 20 to 21 January 2012 organized with scientific and solidarity by the Latin American School of homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann ”chaired by Dr. Don Francisco de Asís Moya Hiniesta.

This scientific meeting, of innovative nature, is a pioneer in the transdisciplinary study of homeopathy and psychosomatic, bringing together experts in the fields of the homeopathic medicine, pharmacy, psychiatry, psychology, law, family mediation, engineering, optometry, Social work and company …
the objective of the Symposium is the diffusion of homeopathy and the psychosomatic to raise awareness to the professionals of health and Social Welfare which is a very useful medicine in low-income countries.

The Latin American School of homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann ”, through Dr. Francisco de Asís Moya, carries out every year a solidarity campaign of homoeopathic medical treatment at the medical dispensary of the parish La Sagrada family of Hualmay – Peru, who runs the missionary Don Juan Fernandez Salvador, President of the Foundation Father Juan Salvador ”, who will be assigned the revenues of the Symposium.

The opening ceremony, spiced with a performance by the duo of violin and vocals, played by Gloria Muñoz Peris, soprano of the Conservatory Superior of music of the Liceo of Barcelona, will take place tomorrow at 4 pm and will feature the presence of:

-HN Mr. Don. Carlos Javier González-Vilardell urban, President of the Royal and illustrious College of physician in Seville
-HN Mr. Don. Manuel Pérez Fernández, President of the Royal and illustrious College of pharmacist in Seville.
-Mr. Don. Juan Carlos Domínguez León, director Personal banking Office
-HN Mr. Don. Pedro Ruiz Berdejo, Foundation Blas Infante
-HN Mr. Don. Hugo Galera Davidson, President of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Seville.
-Excmo. Mr. Don. Alberto maximum Calero Pérez, President of the Ateneo de Sevilla
-HN Mr. Don. Juan Ramón Lacalle Remigio, Dean of the Faculty of medicine
-HN Mr. Don. Manuel Antonio Gálvez Rodríguez, Provincial delegate of Seville in the Ministry for equality and welfare
-Don Juan Fernandez Salvador. Peru
-Dr. Francisco de Asís Moya Hiniesta missionary. President of the Spanish-American school Samuel Hahnemann ”

• in this Inaugural event will appreciate with the presentation of a plaque, the unconditional support of the President of the Real e Ilustre Colegio official of doctors in Seville, Council Mr. Don Carlos Javier González-Vilardell urban, the homeopathic medicine

Director of the Symposium: Dr. Francisco de Asís Moya Hiniesta
coordination: DRA. Miracles Olías Valdés
image and Protocol: Ms Clara López Lemus Tafur
Cabinet of communication: Ms. Susana Hernández Moreno