A study carried out by the USP also shows that the complete oral hygiene, including the use of shampoo, it can slow down the emergence of oral diseases.


often important matters related to the mouth are little remembered, among them are the harmful impacts of cigarette to oral health. Did you know that in addition to stains on teeth, the smoker offers a greater chance of developing oral diseases and complications than non smokers?

issues such as this, have been answered by Prof. Dr. Cláudio Mendes Pannuti, professor of dentistry Periodontics, University of São Paulo (USP) and one of the authors of a research – held in 2010 and published in 2011 – made with 52 smokers from the State capital, which proves the harm caused by tobacco to the teeth. “The smoke can increase up to seven times the risk of periodontal disease, a disease that causes loss of bone support and that without treatment leads to tooth loss. Smokers are also more halitosis, dental stains and have more chance of developing cancer of the mouth, “Pannuti.

survey respondents received at the same time non-surgical periodontal treatment and treatment for smoking cessation. “After a year, only 17 participants have stopped smoking. Only these showed significant improvement in gums, proving that the risks of oral diseases decrease when there is no tobacco use, “says Dr. Pannuti.



care oral hygiene is necessary for everyone, but smokers should pay even more. The research, in addition to prove the Association of smoking oral diseases, also highlights the benefits that a complete dental cleaning provides to patients smokers. “Prevention is the least painful and most economical way to take care of your mouth. Hygiene saves a number of diseases and it is up to your mouth healthy smokers keep daily through three basic steps: brushing, flossing and mouthwash, “says


also according to Pannuti dentists have a fundamental role to aid smokers patients. “Studies show that 49% of patients would like to get help to stop smoking, along with the dental treatment, so it’s up to clarify doubts and guide them as to damage caused by tobacco in oral health,”


Concerned with the health and welfare of their consumers and with the proof of the benefits of their products together with dentists, the Johnson & Johnson reinforces that supports initiatives such as this, which has as its aim to clarify and reinforce the importance of oral hygiene in Brazil.


. jnjbrasil.br