Body massage Swedish Sports is based on the manipulation of soft tissue of the body. It uses 5 movements different to provide massage kneading, percussion, friction, rubbing and vibration. These movements are soft and should not cause pain, some are assets and other liabilities. Essential oils are used to make the massage more effective.
the Swedish sports massage benefits are that it improves blood circulation, promotes the oxygenation of the blood and eliminating toxins. Helps relax and descontracturar the tension of the muscles as well as being very positive for inflammation joints.
this type of massage is highly recommended for people suffering from stress as it helps to significantly improve symptoms because it has the ability to be inspiring and relaxing time.
Swedish massage for sportsmen, dancers and people who work much the body by which it helps to relax muscles after physical exertion as well as to prevent injury and achieve a good sporting performance is widely used. This technique is very used by physiotherapists in the recovery of the lesions generated by the practice of a sport either bone or muscle.
it is also used to prevent muscle injuries, tension and joints, is a great complement for those needing a body strong.
is very effective to treat lumbago and back pain in general, recovery from sprains and fractures, muscle inflammations, column, tendinitis, insomnia, lack of energy problems, high blood pressure, among other conditions.
the Swedish sports massage can be received almost by anyone, it has few contraindications. Is only discouraged to people who suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis, and thrombophlebitis.
as all massage should be done by a professional to have the security that will be beneficial and that may cause us no effect or pain not desired.
at spas, gyms and sports clubs can find therapists involved in Swedish sports massage.
the sessions can vary depending on the person who needs massage but may be between 30 and 50 minutes.
the sports massage is a great choice to add it as a regular therapy to improve our quality of life while not let athletes because we benefit equal to our health.