The 8th Salon International of the therapies manuals Expomasaje 2011 kicks off this Friday.

Spain, 2011-September one year we are pleased to welcome them to the international exhibition of therapies manuals – Expomasaje 2011, this time in its eighth edition. This biennial event returns to mark the calendar to bring together the best professionals, students and lovers and fans of this wonderful area of manual therapy.

It is an unavoidable time to expand contacts, share knowledge and learn about the latest developments in the sector of massage and manual therapy. That is why, during the 16 days, 17 and 18 September, the Palacio de Congresos of Madrid (Paseo de la Castellana) you opens its doors between 9 and 20 hours waiting for you to enjoy the best of this experience.

The event allows visitors to walk through two floors of the Palace where more than 100 booths will be located. But in addition, on the third floor of the international salon of Manual therapy, will be offered three days a total of 45 presentations taught by the best professionals in the sector. They will address issues such as osteopathy Fascioterapia, therapeutic massage, sports therapies, functional bandages, Reflexiología foot, lymphatic drainage, infant massage, Thai massage, method Cyriax, Balinese massage, balneotherapy, Qi Gong, Shiatsu and many technical more. precisely one of the peculiarities of this fair is that papers are theoretical and practical nature.

During each Conference, there will be demonstrations with the help of models for a better understanding of the explanations. In addition, each room projection screens that allow you to view the details of each technique from anywhere are available.

Free massages repairers

Another of the attractions of Expomasaje 2011 is the free offer of welcome massages. To make more fun, relaxing and enjoyable visits to this Congress, the Organization has made available to attendees a full array of massage therapists that delight the audience with minutes from either table or on-site chair massage. This gesture is intended to educate the public of what little hard to invest in own health and the myriad of advantages. Body and mind are intimately connected.

At times, manual therapies are used to correct problems postural and on other occasions, serves to relax our body maltreated by the pace of life that we act as a starting point to avoid problems affecting more and more our society such as stress, anxiety, or nerves.

The best showcase for the latest news

Massage and spinal manipulation are the oldest healing techniques that are known and it is not surprising that increasingly has more adherents to this type of therapy. That is why Expomasaje is the ideal place to catch up day.

Continuing the path that we have always set ourselves since 1997, when he began this important Congress, has been for the occasion with the best specialists, as well as with a multitude of schools dedicated to different manual techniques. Some are geared towards prevention, others toward healing and a third group towards relaxation, pure pleasure and well-being. Only using hands can produce positive effects on the nervous system, muscles, bones and the circulation of blood and lymphatic; You can relieve physical and mental ailments, heal an organ or a specific disease … in short, we can significantly improve our quality of life.

For further on these techniques we have excellent professionals of the stature of Doctor D. Medina Ortega, one of the best Osteopathic of our country, which will address the functional disorders of the female reproductive system; D. Arturo Valenzuela, pioneer in the introduction of the Sotai, will give the keys to treat muscle-skeletal disorders; of the Dr. D. José María Gil Vicent that will expose their knowledge in the art and practice of abdominal massage, a very beneficial technique on the organs of digestion and bowel movements; or of Dr. D. Andoni Jauregui which explain the usefulness of different tests and their successful execution to assess muscle ability in his paper muscle evaluation and its application in manual therapy ”.

With the complete program that has been prepared for this eighth edition of Expomasaje 2011, the organization hopes to pass by this Congress 30,000 visitors and around 400 Congressmen in search of the best papers, booths and authors in different firms of books that will be cited.