Sanction of the law smoking.

with the sanction of the antitobacco law, the Argentina is placed in a position to take on the challenge that involves addressing high burden of morbidity and mortality due to the consumption of tobacco.

Argentina, 2011-June The ban on smoking in public places and work, restrictions on advertising and the protection of minors of 18 years constitute the linchpin of a law that will make it possible to implement a population speech, which in the short and medium term, will make it possible to envision a significant change in the health arena.

The Argentina Federation of Cardiology has struggled for the ratification of the framework Convention for Tobacco Control:

through campaigns 100,000 hearts, through the work of collecting signatures and awareness of the population.

Articuladamente to work with other institutions

This new instance should take a step forward and work on the training of teams of smoking cessation.

In this way it will contribute effectively to strengthen an essential aspect in the individual handling of the Cardiovascular risk in line with all the clinical guides.

Argentina is a transcendental step in control of the non-communicable chronic diseases.

The Congress passed the National Tobacco Control Law

Argentina is 100% smoke-free

after 50 years of delay and interference of the tobacco industry, the Congress of the nation passed a comprehensive law on tobacco control which includes the implementation of environments 100% free of smoke, comprehensive advertising ban on Thursday, June 2promotion and sponsorship and the adoption of health warnings with pictograms on packages of cigarettes.

For more than 100 organizations that make up the Alliance free of tobacco smoke – Argentina (ally), today is a historic day. The passage of this Act is a momentous step for the sake of the health of all Argentines. We welcome that the Congress has finally decided to legislate for the lives of all workers without any discrimination ”.

The members developed an intense debate which recognized the need to promote a public policy to combat the tobacco epidemic and put as an example the path traveled by the 9 provinces and the city of Buenos Aires in the legislation of 100% smoke-free environments.

Veronica Schoj, national ally Coordinator acknowledged that the measures provided for in this law shall be a foot support to move forward in the fight against this disease that kills more than 40,000 people a year in our country the ban on advertising, the 100% smoke-free environments and the inclusion of health with pictograms warnings in the packages of cigarettes are proven measures to discourage the consumption of the boys and girls home, distorting the practice and lower consumption in the society. At the same time, these measures have profoundly advanced to ensure better health for all workers. ”

organizations recognized the important work done by the legislators who carried out a profound and serious debate to find a project to ensure the best health conditions for the entire population.