thePresident of the Bamberg Foundation and the Director General of Celgene isThey welcomed after the signing of the Convention.

promote innovative therapies and contributethe development and implementation of technologies biopharmaceutical, objectives of theagreement signed between Celgene and Foundation Bamberg.

Madrid, 2011-may on behalf of theirrespective organizations, the collaboration agreement was signed by thePresident of the Bamberg Fundación Ignacio for Rodríguez-Santana and theDirector General of Celgene, Tom Cavanaugh.

in the words of its President, Ignacio for, Are happy with the signature of this agreement with Celgene, which fits inthe initiative of the Bamberg Foundation for the promotion of researchBiomedical Development related innovative therapies with themetabolic, and immune systems Endocrinology, processesinflammatory and cell regeneration, based on the study of genomicsProteomics and metabolomics, for the treatment of rare diseases, thecancer and immunological diseases ”. In this regard, the Foundation isdeveloping a collaborative platform that allows the access and theinteraction of all the stakeholders in the development of thisknowledge as researchers, doctors, biologists, patients, businessbiotechnology and biopharmaceutical and public and private bodies for theExchange of experience and expertise, leading the identification ofprojects for its further development for the networking of research and itsreleased by the company.

for his part, Tom Cavanaugh, Country Managerfor Spain and Portugal Celgene declared, with this agreement, we want toenhance the presence of Celgene in Spain, a global biopharmaceutical companycommitted to research, development and commercialization of therapiesinnovative medical needs still unmet in the treatment ofcancer, rare diseases andimmunological diseases, inparticular multiple myeloma, lymphocytic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromeschronic, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and metastatic breast cancer, which allowimproving the lives of patients ”

this Convention will articulate through ofvarious initiatives to analyse and promote innovation in this field and therapid implementation of the findings in clinical practice with theconsequent benefit to patients, as well as advanced modalitiesof health provision in the public sector and private

in this way, as first stepsresult of this agreement, Celgene will participate at the General Conference III onStrategies against cancer, to be held in Barcelona on July 5 of2011, as well as their participation in the collaborative platforms of theFoundation.

about Celgene.

Celgene, company founded in 1986, it hasin these two decades in one of the more biopharmaceutical companiesimportant in the world and one of the leaders in hemato-Oncology at the levelInternational, through its research vocation. Now, CelgeneIt is the third global biotechnology company with presence in more than 60countries.

Celgene research with a commitmentinvestment of more than 3,000 US $ million in acquisitions and agreements ofcollaboration for the development ofnew treatments, and acquired in the year 2000, Signal Pharmaceuticals dedicated to the discovery and development of drugs that regulategenes associated with disease. In 2002, it acquired AnthrogenesisCorporation, dedicated to the stem cell research. In 2008 it acquiredPharmion, and in 2010 Abraxis Bioscience strengthening the area of Oncology.

Celgene started its activity in Spain in2006, standing for its determined commitment by research, participatingboth in research of Celgene International projects, such ascollaborating with Spanish groups of research

in February 2011, Celgene Institute ofTraslational Europe (CITRE) has been a reality in Spain. It is the firstCelgene r & d out of United States company and represents thebig bet on high-tech Celgene in Europe. It will focus its activities intranslational research of new drugs for cancer andto get rare diseases that progress at the level of laboratorypatients who need it, in a personalized way to reach it beforepossible.

on the Bamberg Foundation.

la Fundación Bamberg is a foundation notGovernment, State and international level, which aims tothe momentum of the technologies and better management of health, throughactions that enhance its research and development, their knowledge andinnovative use, perform actions involving both thepharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and technology sectorshealth and information and communication, such as administrationsPublic, the scientific community, health care centres, associationspatients and health organizations, aimed at the improvement of thehealth and the effectiveness and efficiency of the health system. To this end it hasconcluded partnership agreements with the most important companieshealth and pharmaceutical and relevant public institutions andprivate health and research