The Government of Aragon, from the directorate general of public health and the Department of educational policy and continuing education, organizes VIII course screens healthy: education for health and social web, with the collaboration of professors and Juan de Lanuza Zaragoza. Resource Center

One quote that takes place this Friday until 2100 hours and Saturday November 26 from 9.00 to 14.00, room Amparo Poch of public health in the Provincial health service, Social Welfare and family.

Displays healthy initiative seeks to promote a positive space for health, in the field of ICT (information technology and communication), which have become a form of socialization for children and youth. Currently, children receive a large volume of information through these new screens; and sometimes they can confront values or encourage unhealthy habits.

Therefore, the proposal for public health is work from this forum so that there is a more secure environment, taking advantage of the positive effects of Internet for the promotion of health.

Between the objectives of the course is the analyze the phenomenon of the consumption of screens and its influence on health and education, also review the educational guidelines suitable for a “moderate” use of ICT and the use of screens. And finally, integrate health education into ICTs and propose guidance on healthy behaviors, sociability and addictions

Dedicated to the SOCIAL WEB

this course displays healthy is the first to deal with the social web from various realities of health promotion. You will seek to provide guidance to address the ICT (information technology and knowledge) from the health education, taking into account: the attitudes and healthy behaviors. Will study the change produced by the hatching of the screens and new media: Internet, mobile devices, video games, digital television and advertising viral.

From the Government of Aragon supports the role of teachers, families and the rest of society in this area. Since the screens healthy initiative is to provide guidance, motivation and actions of health promotion to develop an authentic health policy from the Government of Aragon.

All of this has to do with the fundamental line of health education in school, developed jointly between the Department of education and health, which aims to form citizens responsible for their personal health and collective.

For it carried out performances of teacher training, development of materials, curriculum integration, educational innovation in the network of schools promoting of health and the involvement of the families.