The Editorial Group Gesfomedia presents new books to work cognitive stimulation in adults.
“allow combat the intellectual impairment in elderly people or patients from diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease”.
Spain, 2011-April cognitive impairment, which consists of a progressive loss of intellectuals such as memory, writing and reading skills, is a problem that affects all people, especially in old age or due to diseases such as Alzheimer.
In order to help combat these problems that severely limit the quality of life for patients, families and therapists, the Editorial Group Gesfomedia has presented the collection of books cognitive stimulation for adults ”. It is a series of practical papers for the prevention and treatment of cognitive disorders is not designed as reference material, but as supportive.
In Spain there are currently over seven million people 65 years of age from which increases the incidence of cognitive disorders. To this figure we must add the nearly 900,000 affected by degenerative diseases as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease in our country precisely in 2011 is celebrated the international year of the Alzheimer, a yet incurable ailment but in which cognitive stimulation is a proven tool for the treatment and prevention.
Cognitive stimulation lets delay the onset of these cognitive disorders, or compensate for its effects, by carrying out various types of exercises. In this sense, the collection of the Gesfomedia group Editorial is divided into six workshops based on the cognitive process that is intended to stimulate or rehabilitate: attention, executive function, language, memory, perception, read-write and Viso-construcción. Each workshop consists in turn into 5 notebooks, sorted from smaller to greater complexity to conform to the clinical and cultural characteristics of the patient.
In total, the collection includes more than 2,000 sheets and 10,000 activities based on scientific models and they have been selected for their proven effectiveness preventive or rehabilitative. Used stimuli consist above all in colour photographs of everyday objects to facilitate his identification by the patients.
The books of the collection cognitive stimulation for adults ” can be used by professionals (psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) and family members who need a specialized material support throughout the process of recovery or prevention. In this sense, all notebooks contain an explanatory Guide and examples of resolved activities aimed at those responsible for therapies. Anyway, if necessary, the patient also can work directly with the material without support of a therapist, thanks to the clarity of the instructions for use.
The collection cognitive stimulation for adults ” is headed by the expert Andrew Sardinero Peña, psychologist specializing in Neuropsychology, which with a postgraduate degree in Neuropsychology and dementias and cognitive stimulation of the brain injury certificate. More information is available at .
Both therapists and family members of people with cognitive disorders need a specialized and comprehensive material allowing them to work every day on the prevention and rehabilitation of cognitive deterioration suffered by the elderly or patients with degenerative diseases ”, says the author. With this collection of the Editorial Group Gesfomedia, have a practical, effective and user-friendly tool use has very positive effects in the stimulation cognitive. ”
About Group Gesfomedia
Group Gesfomedia offers professional training solutions adapted to new technologies. In addition to its publications for therapists and family, just submit a new editorial line dedicated to the education of children and adolescents, which is entitled Gesfomedia education and is available in print and multimedia.