experts of the Hospital de La Ribera claim that increasingly isdetected more cases of hypertension in children and adolescents

today marks the world day of the Arterial hypertension

-early detection of essential hypertension(that is not caused by an underlying disease), and the correctionof the factors that aggravate it, such as obesity, it is essential to preventcardiovascular disease in adulthood.

Alzira, 2012-may the service of Pediatrics physicians andthe unit of Arterial hypertension of the University Hospital de La Riberathey have claimed that more and more frequently they are detected in children andadolescents, cases of hypertension, pathology of which today, 17 ofmay, celebrates its day.

in this sense, Hospital Universitario de La Riberaattends each year, around 50 new cases of hypertensive children, afigure that could be still higher were it not for that, control of many ofThese children, is carried out directly by care centresPrimary Department of health ”, said DRA. Susana Ferrando,the hospital pediatrician. Thus, it is estimated that you between 1.5% and 2% ofthe child population could suffer from hypertension, figures that increase isincrease to 12% in adolescence.

according to the DRA. Ferrando, the largest number of hypertensive childrendiagnosed is basically that each time there is a greaterawareness by professionals of the need to measure theblood pressure in children, including its decision-making in health revisions tostarting from the age of 3. The availability of values of normal for age, sexand size and its distribution have allowed this screeningdisease ”.

this early detection of cases enables professionals totake steps to control high blood pressure what makes it possible that thesechildren do not develop cardiovascular damage in adulthood ”, said Dr.Eduardo Rovira, head of the unit of Arterial hypertension of the Centrehospitable.

is noteworthy that hypertension is a diseaseoccurs when the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of theblood vessels is too high and is one of the risk factorsmost important for suffering a myocardial infarction, stroke or a failureRenal.


hypertension in children and adolescents may be due tomultiple factors distinguishing between secondary hypertension (when it is)produced by other disease in the patient, particularly of type(renal, renovascular or heart), and hypertension primary or essential, if notThere is no disease that causes high blood pressure.

these last cases of hypertension are the most frequentin adolescence and its appearance seems to play a key role the existencefamily background, i.e., parents also suffering from pressureblood elevated, along with environmental factors, especially obesity ”,pointed out the DRA. Ferrando, who has emphasized that the early detection ofthese cases of hypertension is essential to carry out a follow-upthe patient throughout their lives and carry out an early intervention inIf it is necessary to ”.

as in the case of adults, the approach of thehypertension in children is based on the modification of habits oflife of the patient and their families, controlling obesity in caseexists, recommending a diet low in salt and encouraging physical exerciseregular. In the case of children, avoided, as far as possible,resort to pharmacotherapy.

in this regard, we highlight the close cooperation thatmaintain the service of Pediatrics and unity of Arterial hypertension of theHospital of Alzira in the detection, treatment and follow-up of cases ofhypertension in pediatric and adolescent patients.

hypertension in adults

is said that a person is hypertensive when you have to leave90 mmMercury diastolic (the popularly called low) voltage and/or from140 mmMercury systolic (or high) voltage. A high pressure maintained to thelength of the years can result in a myocardial infarction, hemorrhagebrain or kidney failure.

therefore the unity of Arterial hypertension of the HospitalUniversity of La Ribera advocates prevent this disease, which can affectto 25% of the general population of the region, with proper treatment,thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular and brain.

measures that are taken depend on the degree of hypertensionsubmit the patient, but mainly focus on avoiding therisk factors: Obesity control and reduce weight, dietlow in sodium (salt), not smoking and, above all, not to drink alcohol. It is alsoconvenient to perform some physical exercise, as walk in a relaxed manner andevery day between 30 minutes and an hour.

at the same time, and as highlighted Dr. Rovira currently has a pharmacology which not only lowers the tension butthat, moreover, controls other complications of the disease ”.

in the same way, is recommended, as media controlfundamental, it takes regular blood pressure every one, two or three months,According to the patient. In this sense, the gauges are a good help oftension which they marketed and with which the patient can performtakes from his domicile; should be dealt with approved equipment, in whosemanagement has been instructed by the doctor patient and whose data aresubsequently reviewed with the care staff.