Of footballers muscle response depends on its position in the field.

soccer players presented different parameters of muscle response depending on the position they occupy in the field of play. That’s what a study developed by Spanish researchers and published in the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology.

Spain, January 2013.- scientists at the University of Vigo have analysed different parameters of muscle response in 78 footballers in the first Spanish division wore between four and fifteen years dedicated to football, and have observed that they vary depending on the position of the players on the field.

The results, published in the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, show that you one of the extensor muscles of the knee – the straight femoral, belonging to the quadriceps – has different times of contraction, maintenance of contraction and relaxation according to the specific position of the player.

The authors measured values of these times with a technique developed at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), called tensiomiografia (TMG), several first division teams, using as the Football Club Barcelona.

is a tool for non-invasive that allows assessing the contractile characteristics of superficial muscles in seconds ”, explains to SINC Ezequiel Rey, who has led labour.

Porters need to jump more than the lateral

The central defender and goalkeeper present times of contraction in the previous rectus less than lateral defenders. This is due to both the Central and Goalkeepers need higher levels of explosive force in the knee extensor muscles to develop successful jump actions, such as stops and clearances head ”, says King.

On the other hand, for that same muscle, the midfielders kept the shrinkage less time than other players, because require extra resistance.

Prevent injury

The TMG technique allows information on the acute or chronic effects of the training at the muscular level, prevent injury, detect imbalances and asymmetries muscle and assess the State of muscle fatigue after train ”, adds the researcher.

King aims that the principle of specificity is essential in the design of training programs for complex sports like football ”, and concludes that his Studio offers values that can be used to guide the prescription of the burden of the elite soccer training and to reduce the risk of injury in various specific positions ”.


Ezequiel Rey, Carlos Lago-Peñas, Joaquín Lago-Ballesteros, Tensiomyography of selected lower-limb muscles in professional soccer players ”. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 22 (2012) 866 – 872. June 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2012.06.003