justifies the curfew of health centres in Catalonia, dealing with centres that were few patients in the time slot


The President of the Spanish Forum of patients, Albert Jovell, rejects that implant co-payment in services like emergencies because, to date, “no one has proved to be a deterrent measure for the demand of the patients, but it does penalize the most vulnerable population”. However, he warns that the national system of health (SNS) has “some reasonable limits” which require measures which, in its view, are not explaining well.

As stated in the presentation of the book by ' can happen to you. Public health benefits to all ', written by Jovell, and of the work ' the social medical ', a compendium of discussions between Jovell and journalist Jordi Sacristán, which shows the personality of this doctor and patient of cancer. Both books are published by Proteus.

Between the reasonable limits to impose on the SNS, Jovell has cited the inappropriate use of emergencies by people, in fact, have no urgent health problems or who want to do all the tests you need in a day. However, charge 20 euros to go to emergency room won’t let these users abuse this service, because still compensating for them by saving time.

Another limit would, for example, the night closure of certain health centres in Catalonia, which Jovell, “at night only visited four patients”. However, in his opinion, in this case the politicians are committing “communication and semantic errors” that have generated insecurity in the population.

The first flaw has been “talking cuts when it comes to a case of reorganization of the system” and the second, not explaining to citizens that “which is the situation and its alternatives”, meaning that if they get sick at night and have no centre will be referred to a hospital more or, if really considered essential the presence of a doctor at nightthemselves could pay for it.

EURO per RECIPE in all Spain

for Jovell, although people still “don’t know what will make the Government concerned of copayment”, is clear that “rate pharmaceutical” the euro by recipe implanted in Catalonia – to what he considers no co-payment – is going “to impose on the rest of Spain”.

Recognizes that, if the population pyramid in Spain stays as it is, increasingly fewer young people prepared to work in the country and with more retirees, current SNS will be “economically unsustainable” in the future, a situation that will get worse over the years, with the increase of the chronically ill.

Therefore bet Jovell by “rates things and not to individuals”, creating tax on luxury goods or services that are not necessities and also related products “unhealthy life habits”, such as tobacco, alcohol and sugary soft drinks rich in fat.

In his view in this country “is has been very soft with taxation” and now some administrations are raised “with too much joy” the possibility of cutting treatments valuing its cost effectiveness according to the years that lengthen the life of the patient, when this depends very much on each patient.

Believes that the solution of the crisis “goes through to get involved” and “keep the pressure on the politicians”. The objective is to maintain an SNS that runs the risk of “dying of success”.

However, citizens are reacting with fear to changes as the labor reform, which is being done “to the china”. “many people will not go on strike out of fear, but fear depends on each one, or you face or you cancel,” concludes.