Madrid, 8 APR (EFE).-the Secretary of the PSOE, Trinidad Jiménez, Social policy has announced today that his party will not support any Covenant health with the PP to include the co-payment, and has shown its concern over recent statements of popular leaders about the possibility of cuts in social services.

Jiménez, speaking to journalists in the headquarters of the PSOE in Madrid, said that his party will not allow the PP to dismantle the welfare State, because it is a system that “Spain can afford”.

“Health is one of the most valued by citizens utilities, so we have been consolidating since the last years with a greater strength and a higher quality” and from the PSOE, “we will defend until the end,” has secured what was Health Minister.

Trinidad Jiménez highlighted that in times of crisis social services are “absolutely essential for citizens”, as they are used by people who are in a situation “of increased risk and vulnerability”.

About the co-pay, Jiménez has highlighted that PP always has said that he rejected, even during elections, but however, in Catalonia the popular have supported after implant CiU.

The co-payment is to put “unfair” Jiménez that we already pay among all the health with our taxes, and has shown his desire to ignore the economic benefit that “exactly” is going to bring.

“Still does not have any study to raise that it will solve the problem of sustainability through the co-pay”, has been added.

The exministra has also shown its “deep concern” at the statements of the leaders of the PP during the last week, especially in the area of health, education and social services, where general State budgets were cut, he said, 8,000 million euros.

“Statements by different leaders of the PP seem unacceptable to us” because they pose not only cuts but that call into question “a particular model of universal healthcare that we have built together, in the last 30 years of democracy”, according to Jiménez.