The Parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies Socialist has submitted a legislative proposal not by urging the Government, before April, to develop regulations terms and conditions for the extension of the right to public health care, as is established in the General Law of public health for those who exercise a self-employed activities.

This initiative, registered by the spokesman of the Socialist parliamentary group, José Martínez Olmos, health occurs after the adoption last year of the universalization of public healthcare, through the General Law and which is not ended regulate.

La Ley, that I promulgo in October, established the extension of the right to public health care to all Spaniards resident in national territory, from January 1, which could not be them recognized pursuant to other rules of the legal system. For the rest of the collective was established within six months serving in late March.

On the other hand, proposes also a proposition rather than law, the approval of the Royal Decrees of medical specialties and core subjects. Thus, urges the adoption of the Royal Decree which regulates the incorporation of criteria of core subjects in the formation of certain specialties in health sciences, the trunk respec and areas of specific training “immediately”.

Also, that adopted the Royal Decree which created new specialist titles and is updated the formative system of certain specialities in health science incorporating the new specialty of infectious diseases, child and adolescent psychiatry, human genetics and urgencies and emergencies as primary specialty.

This request occurs in response to that in the last legislature the PSOE “took decisive steps” to improve the training system of the MIR, “developing work and suggestions for improvement in the line to incorporate the concept of core subjects in specialized training to ensure better training” of medical specialists, and adds, “a better planning of needs for health services”.

Socialist Government proceeded with the processing of two royal decrees to incorporate the concept of core subjects on the one hand and for the creation of new medical specialties, on the other. Two royal decrees were still pending report of the Council of State and the last procedural formalities for final approval.