psychic by brain injury sequelae to determine the possibility of social reintegration of patients
V meeting of the consortium of Clinical Neuropsychology (CNC), Valencia February 2012
such conditions are as prevalent as the motor
– up to a third of patients with stroke have depressive episodes, whose range of severity is very variable.
-Conduct problems stand out in people with severe cranial trauma stand out.
-Psychopharmacology, a tool more in their treatment.
Valencia, February 2012. The psychological aftermath by brain damage also determine the possibility that a patient suffering brain damage can reintegrate into society. Such conditions are as prevalent as the motor and are, in addition, origin of lots of social dysfunction and suffering intra and interpersonal.
These determinations have been made by the director of the brain damage, doctor Nacho Quemada, Menni services network during the presentation “psychopharmacology of psychiatric disorders associated with brain damage ”, held at the fifth meeting of the consortium of Clinical Neuropsychology (CNC) that has taken place in Valencia this weekend.
“Firstly, the expert explained that the pathologies of the cerebral vascular system cause mental health problems, including emotional problems. In particular, it is estimated that more than 50% of stroke patients have some form of alteration or change online psychic as cognitive deficit, affective disorder or behavioral change.
Also indicated that up to a third of these patients have depressive episodes, whose range of severity is very variable ”. In head injuries behavioural problems occupy a prominent place and are the great handicap to achieving successful social and family reintegration. Tables of disinhibition and apathy are the fundamental problems ”, noted.
Firstly, the specialist explained that the first consideration to take into account is the own epidemiological dimension of brain damage, a pathology on the rise affecting more than 400000 people in Spain, largely due to the increase in the stroke each year ”.
In this sense, explained that these patients have motor, but also psychological consequences than a subject much less studied and less widespread than the motor disorders ”.
Psychic changes secondary to brain damage can be grouped into four large groups, often three, are emotional disorders, disturbances of behavior and cognitive deficits, and a most unusual quarter, delusional disorders.
Thus, the specialist emphasized that recognition, description, understanding and treatment of these disorders is an essential component of a comprehensive rehabilitation of the stroke program ”.
Regarding treatments, Dr. Quemada stated that affective disorders, depression, and emotional lability respond well to new generation antidepressants, SSRIS or dual. Also disorders of sleep and irritability may improve pharmacologically. Mirtazapine or trazodone are two good choices ”.
Noted that the behavioural alterations require a differentiated and more in-depth analysis they are usually the end result of various generation mechanisms. Deficits in attention or memory can manifest in the form of distraibilidad or troubled interpersonal, awareness deficits also may lead to irresponsible behaviour ”.