Form the University Hospital of Getafe Radiology technicians
image for diagnosis between cycles more defendants.
Spain, 2010-December The University Hospital of Getafe and the center of studies professionals Saint Gemma Galgani, signed a collaboration agreement for the delivery of the formative cycle of higher level (CFGS) called “Image for the diagnosis”, in the premises of the health centre. It is one of the most demanded cycles between students from Madrid.
This training cycle is intended to train future technicians Radiology whose powers include the get graphic records through testing equipment x-ray, MRI, Computerizada Axial Tomography (CT) and Nuclear Medicine equipment, which are then analyzed by specialist to obtain a clinical diagnosis.
“Image for diagnosis” is one of the formative cycles of degree higher demand among students from Madrid and the University Hospital of Getafe currently available equipment for the completely renovated and modern radiology in which students will learn the latest developments in the field of image radiological.
Among his most innovative teams include two resonances of autocampo and two scanners multicorte, as well as PET-CT in Nuclear Medicine Service. All teams this digitized by the PACS System and reports are made via voice recognition techniques.
The radiology service of the University Hospital of Getafe has a wide portfolio of services which include advanced techniques such as cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, interventional vascular radiology, or the vertebroplastia. During the past year was tested more than 155,000 conventional radiology, 10.737 resonances, more than 4,000 mammograms and nearly 15,000 TC.With the signing of this Convention, the University Hospital of Getafe confirms your bet by the teaching at all levels hospital.