The University of Murcia and the SEMG created the Chair of medicine at family and healthy attitudes.

in the morning of last Friday has been signed in Murcia Convention which constitutes, with the sponsorship of the Heel laboratories, the sixth Chair of family medicine that has launched this scientific society. And was born with the objective of promoting information, training, cooperation and research, with special attention to the promotion of healthy life habits among the population.

Murcia, January of 2013. The Spanish society of general practitioners and family (SEMG), his foundation for research and training (FIF-SEMG) and the University of Murcia have created, with the sponsorship of the Heel Spain laboratories, the UM-SEMG-HEEL Chair of Medicine of family and healthy attitudes.

The Rectorate of the University of Murcia has hosted the signing ceremony of the agreement, during which Joaquín María García-Estan, Dean of the Faculty of medicine, is associated Professor, has indicated that it expects this – that is targeting both students and university professors, as to any professional in the health field – serves as useful to society for the development of healthy habits ”. Something vital in these times ”, added in his speech the President of the SEMG, Benjamín Abarca, and more if we take into account the indices on sedentary lifestyle, stress, little balanced diets and toxic habits that are recorded in current society ”.

This agreement, explained Dr. Abarca, is continuation of an activity that has been conducting the SEMG since 2007, when he took the initiative to create chairs that approach of family medicine at the University. The University of Murcia is the sixth count with a Chair of family medicine of the SEMG, after the universities of Santiago de Compostela, Zaragoza, Pompeu Fabra, Cadiz and Granada.

José Antonio Cobacho, Benjamín Abarca and José Manuel Cordero, after the signing. (Photo by Juanchi López)

the sixth Chair of the SEMG, he assured the head of this scientific society, promote the quality of life as a paramount objective. But in addition, as explained Dr. Abarca, UM-SEMG-HEEL Chair of Medicine of family and healthy attitudes will also affect from the University level in the other four pillars that we consider fundamental: information, so that medical students are aware first hand of family medicine, a discipline that they exercise almost 45% of doctors but that until recently were not tenIA in mind in grade; training, also in graduate school; research, because primary care has much to contribute to this area and yet only 5% of the studies are developed from the first level of care; and cooperation, which promotes the SEMG from more than one decade ago ”, especially in close collaboration with numerous societies of Ibero-American countries family physicians, with whom he created the Iberoamerican Union of General Medicine and family (UNIMEGyF) whose Presidency holds at present.

For his part, José Manuel Cordero, director general of Laboratorios Heel, which will give supporting a this Chair for the next three years, has referred to the commitment of your company with these guidelines, whose scope of action covers not only the cure of diseases, but also the establishment of lifestyles that prevent them ”.

Finally, in their intervention turns, the rector, José Antonio Cobacho, and the Vice President for institutional relations and health sciences, Manuel Vidal, have thanked the SEMG that you have chosen the University of Murcia to the Chair and to the laboratories Heel Spain by financing the project.