the use of the scanner in regional anaesthesia reduces fourfold consumption of anesthetics

the Chief of Anesthesiology of USP hospital in Tenerife ensures that this will be a basic tool, as in his time was the fonendoscopio

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, March 2012.- the use of ultrasound in the implementation of regional anaesthesia reduces up to four times the consumption of anaesthetics. The image generated allows specialists to reach nerves much more accurately; What increases the effectiveness of the drug, at the time the calculation of the minimum effective dose that helps the anaesthetists.

The scanner is a basic medical tool, it will be the fonendoscopio of the 21st century physician ”, says the Chief of the service of Anesthesiology and pain therapeutics of USP La Colina and hospitals USP Costa Adeje, Javier Santos Yglesias, who directs also the sixth course Teórico-práctico of ultrasonography applied to the Regional anesthesia and the teatechniques for the treatment of pain which is held since yesterday and until Friday in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Dr. Santos explained that the use of the ultrasonically make us achieve the best results at the time that allows us to save time and resources, helps us guide to administering the anesthetic instead of just reducing the risk of complications and increases patient satisfaction to better manage the pain ”says the specialist.

Like that nowadays it seems unthinkable that a pregnant woman is not a control ultrasound every three months, soon the use of the scanner in the surgical blocks generalize ”. I.e., in the same way that in the operating theatres monitors sleep, heart rhythm and tension of patients, in the near future these spaces must have an ultrasonically allowing specialists to access veins, arteries and nerves in a way more accurate eeven make a diagnosis at that time.

Also, says that in a few years the advance of bioengineering will allow specialists have images in three dimensions or even, to use GPS systems so that the application of anesthesia can address through coordinates laid down previously and millimeter precision.


However, precise, for its proper use is essential to organize training activities, such as USP La Colina which leads from six years ago, that allow practitioners update their knowledge and that emphasis on the appropriate way to use these techniques.

This scientific meeting has managed to position itself as one of the required annual meetings of these specialists and this year will feature the participation of the anestesióloga of the Hospital Universitario La Fe de Valencia, DRA. Paula Pérez Caballero; the editor of the journal of the Spanish society of Anesthesiology and reanimation (SEDAR) and specialist physician at the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Dr. Carlos Errando; In addition to the head of USP La Colina, Dr. Javier Santos, Anesthesiology service and provider of this same unit, Dr. Jesus of Santiago, and the radiologist of the same hospital, Dr. Matias Silva.

As in the previous edition, integrated in the program of this course will be held the second multidisciplinary Conference of update in the management of the patient with chronic pain, which this year will focus on the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain.


The course, which will be opened by the Manager of the hospitals that USP has in Tenerife, Marta Belen Gonzalez, began Wednesday February 29 with an analysis of how the ultrasound has affected the daily practice of the anaesthetists, which was carried out by the doctors Javier Santos and Carlos Errando. This last specialist, who is also editor of the journal of the Spanish society of Anesthesiology and resuscitation (SEDAR), also addressed the need or not for intraneurales injections to achieve quality locks.

Today specialists will participate in a practical surgical session in which will be blockades of upper limb and chronic pain. In the afternoon, in the theoretical class, they will address the use of ultrasound in the techniques of anesthesia, the blockade of the sciatic nerve and anatomical examination with ultrasound applicable to other specialties as the Rheumatology, rehabilitationthe trauma and Neurology. Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss the use of ultrasound in the neuroeje and in the paravertebral space. For end of the day, they may participate in a workshop of puncture ultrasound.

On Friday afternoon, after the exposure of the conclusions and the closure, will hold the second day multidisciplinary management of patient with chronic pain in which will be dealt with especially low back pain and different ways to diagnose and treat it.

About USP hospital

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. Currently, USP hospital boasts a network of 12 hospitals, 23 health centres and 4,000 doctors annually serving more than two million patients. In 2010 the company recorded 331.494 clinical stays, 118.931 surgical interventions, 11.202 births and 424.511 er.

In the Canary Islands, USP has two centres: La Colina, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which was integrated into this private hospital network in February 2005; and Costa-Adeje, in the South of the island, which did it in 2006.