Visit to the physiotherapist is essential to define the physical activity appropriate in the prevention of cardiovascular risk.

March 14. European day for the prevention of Cardiovascular risk.

-currently the risk of cardiovascular disease is high and increasingly in individuals less age, being most common in the genre male

Madrid, March 2012.- the Vice-President of the General Council of schools of physiotherapists of Spain (CGCFE), Patricia Madrid, said last Tuesday, on the occasion of the last Wednesday of the European day for the prevention of Cardiovascular risk, that physical therapy is crucial for the prevention of cardiovascular risk ”.

As highlighted Madrid, currently the risk of cardiovascular disease is high and manifests itself, increasingly, younger individuals, being most common in the male gender. Likewise, has ensured, is one of the leading causes of mortality, as well as an important health investment ”.

The set of such disease-related risk factors, the Vice-President of the Council has underlined, the concentration of lipids (FAT) in the arteries, derived from the type of diet, smoking, obesity and very sedentary life habits.

In this way, he recalled that the premise of the world Organization of the health (who), in the 21st century, is prevention. This online physical therapy has much to contribute to education and prevention for health, so the Spanish Cardiology Society designed a clinical guide to prevention of cardiovascular risk, which included regular physical exercise tailored to the age and situation of each individual as necessary.

The physical therapist and professional health and an expert in the movement, according to Madrid explained, acts from primary care in prevention, after an individualized assessment, and recommends and teaches each individual type of aerobic exercise to be carried out, as well as methods of control of the effort.

From specialized care, physical therapist acts on the recovery in acute myocardial infarctions, through training effort based on stretching, warm-up exercises, and 45 minutes from cicloergometro or tape rolling with a personalized interválico Protocol.

Finally, the Vice-Chairperson of the CGCFE has insisted that the movement, physical activity, is essential in the prevention of many diseases and the key is to know what the exercise suitable for each case and age so it is advisable to visit a physical therapist so that after an assessment and initial interviewprompted more suitable and healthy activity.


The General Council of physiotherapists schools of Spain (CGCFE) is the body representing more than 40,000 physiotherapists, Spain, working with the common goal of promoting the health of citizens. In addition, orders the profession, guardianship the interests of physiotherapy, as well as its optimal implementation and universalization.

Physiotherapists are health professionals, as provided for in the existing legislation, accredited with the University degree in physiotherapy, taught in 43 universities and possessors of knowledge and skills to benefit the health of the population. in addition, there is a greater number of doctorates and mastersthat ensure their high qualifications