The possible origin of all variants of ELA has been able to discover thanks to research at Northwestern University. This is due to an error in the recycling system of proteins in neurons of the spinal cord and brain. Which means that the cells suffer damage and when start this disease.

The ELA or lateral sclerosis Amyotrophic is a terrible disease that affects the nervous system and is degenerative. Patients who suffer from it, are losing muscle strength, which ends in general paralysis, and finally, death.

So far, the cause that led the emergence of this disease was unknown, but now thanks to this study opens a new path to the creation of medicines and effective treatments in the fight against the Commonwealth.

Furthermore, seems true in all variants of the ELA, which means that it might also be important to explain the other existing pathologies related to proteins, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and frontotemporal dementia.



Tags: sclerosis studies, medical studies