
“Drink alcohol has a direct effect on the probability of unsafe sex, and therefore should be considered an important risk factor in the campaigns for the prevention of HIV.” “Our research also explains why people often do not care though they know how risky that is: alcohol influences their decision-making process”, says Jurgen Rehm, epidemiologist of the Centre for addiction and Mental Health in Ontario (Canada), who led the new research.

Rehm faced 12 studies to understand more thoroughly the relationship between alcohol and HIV infection, because not understood if drinking encouraged the spread through unsafe sex or if certain personality traits, as the predisposition to adopt risky behavior, make that a person has no safe sex and drink much alcohol.

In their experiments, the expert divided participants into two groups so that some took alcohol and others do not. Then he analyzed his availability to have unsafe sex and noticed that alcohol affected his decision-making process, avoiding to take the sensible ways and do they lose their inhibitions.

Specialists argued that it is important to make prevention campaigns which report to the people of the risk associated with drinking alcohol because it can promote the spread of HIV/AIDS.