bruxism is a fairly common problem, which consists of people that they suffer, they tightened and grind the teeth, something that becomes very difficult to control at night, because that also do so while they sleep. If you suffer from bruxism, these tips could help you.
Already one of the main causes of its appearance, it is stress, is recommended to take some relaxing before bed, listen to music, meditate tea or anything else that helps us to relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of the day.
bruxism, tends to produce pain in the jaw, ears, neck and shoulders, as well as tooth wear. To alleviate these headaches, try to apply a little humid zone heat or cold and then give you a massage to help you relax the muscles.
For tooth wear, it is better to see a doctor, which will tell you the use of an protector or a special splint, to soften the pressure on the teeth and prevent wear by the action of grinding.
Tags: bruxism, stress, jaw tension