Tips for caring for the area of the neck and décolleté.

Spain, 2011-June when it comes to look after themselves, neck and décolleté tend to be forgotten large for the majority of women, but the skin of this area requires even more care than the face, because it is thinner and more sensitive. The neck is practically devoid of bone support and there are very few oil glands, also the absence of collagen fibers makes the skin to lose elasticity and dehydrate very easily.

neck and neckline there are places where usually appear first wrinkles and where more noticeable over the years. Experts distinguish between different types of wrinkles: neck can find horizontal wrinkles, which are often determined by genetic or hormonal factor and wrinkles that form at the base of the neck caused particularly by excessive exposure to the Sun. The neckline features vertical wrinkles formed by the passage of time and accented by postural habits like e.g. sleeping on your side.

To prevent the process of aging neck and neckline, option medical clinics advanced aesthetic medicine unit team recommends:

– use moisturizing lotion every day. As you apply it to face level, it is important also extended by neck and neck and do it from top down.

– Night nourishing cream, used to nourish the skin and protect it from environmental factors that the damage.

-In the case of the cleavage is important so you exfolies once a week. Apply the product in circles through a soft massage to revitalize the skin and remove impurities.

– Always use Sun protection. It has been shown that excess sunlight accelerates the process of skin aging.

– Prevents the sudden changes in weight. It is the best way to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

If prevention it is not enough, today have revolutionary medical-aesthetic treatments to deal with different problems of aging skin of neck and neck that offer very satisfying results:

La pulsed light IPL is an innovative technical, ideal to eliminate small veins and blemishes on the skin. It is a safe and effective treatment to unify the skin tone and provide youth, luminosity and smoothness using pulses of intense light.

IPL sessions can be in the range of 3 to 4 weeks and has no period of recovery.

The treatment is particularly effective to eliminate redness skin, small veins and blemishes
produced by the Sun and wrinkles thinwalled.

Fotorejuvenecimiento neck: PVP. 125€ / session

Fotorejuvenecimiento escote: PVP. 160€ / session

the chemical peels are also a good alternative to eliminate unsightly stains and remove the signs of aging of the skin caused by age or by excessive exposure to the Sun. The Chemical Peeling exfoliates the skin using a chemical abrasion and offers some surprising results. The chemical used in peeling, the concentration of the same, the time of application, shall determine the degree and depth of its action.

Electroless Exfoliating peeling: PVP. 109€

Medical option on

the option medical clinics , specialized in plastic surgery, advanced aesthetic medicine and the treatment of obesity, are born at the end of the year 2009 with the goal of providing a health service of high quality health care, safe and experienced in the doctor-patient relationship is the cornerstone. Currently has three clinics located in Barcelona province (Terrassa, Mataró and l ’ Hospitalet de Llobregat) equipped with the technology more Cap sector and especially designed to offer the patient maximum comfort, effectiveness and safety.

Customer service: 902 31 35 36.