Tips sometimes afraid to. We do not always know how we must act, and of course having no experience, doubt ourselves. But we know that the mother instinct helps a lot and for those that lost are, we bring you some small tips that you can be of help.

If he is nervous or cries, a way to calm it is holding in her arms close to your heart, this comforting them much. But clear before we need to know if he is hungry, if the diaper is dirty, or if she cries because it hurts anything. do not hesitate to ask, especially to your pediatrician. That you it not ashamed the fact of having to ask a thousand things, this is normal and they are used, so you not streets and see everything that you think necessary

If you’ve opted for breastfeeding the first week you will prove to be a little difficult as there is no fixed hours and you’ll be their sole source of food. But eventually both you will go by adapting and pro-Israel enjoy moments only between mother and son.

Elite women are women

Tags: tips, first mother