Tips if you are in Mexico:

Use masks or surgical face masks during the day, especially if it must leave the House. The swine flu virus is transmitted by air, thus avoiding the main route of entry of the virus.

Avoid above all the crowds of people and urban transport. If you have in the family some possible cases or symptoms should intensify these precautions.

Go to the doctor to the slightest symptoms: high fever (39 degrees), headache, or articulate, difficulty breathing, mucus, etc. The presence of fever is the determining factor, if you are one of the affected populations, do not hesitate, please note to his family and go to the doctor, without forgetting the mask.wash your hands, forearms and face many times as possible if you must leave the House. ((




1) see a doctor with his family as soon as possible so that it is correctly diagnosed

2) wash all bed linen and clothes that have used their family, possibly with alcohol

3) ventilate the rooms where it has been

-Estese attentive to the media, if started a campaign of vaccination or even evacuation.

If it is in Spain:

-Don’t worry, is no more serious than a common cold, and it is perfectly treatable.

-If you have symptoms of a common flu ask for caution relatives or people close if they have been abroad, but quiet estese, the chances of contracting it person to person minimum

-If you increase the number of cases or was found in a population where have abundant given (more than 20) would not be of more use a mask

-Go to your head If you have flu symptoms and no physician has been Mexico, but does not go to emergency, has a 99.9% chance of being a flu ‘ common ’

– In case of having an affected family, must go to the emergency room of a hospital, ask that the relevant analyses performed you and use mask. Although the symptoms are expressed as much in 10 days, to have the results of the analysis (48 hours) continue to use the mask, if the flies.

Tags: Tips flu, influenza, swine flu