To facilitate the access of users who don’t have time to go to the dentist in business hours, the health units of the institutional brokers ’ estimate system and Red Earth, besides the Dental Specialities Centre broadened their schedules. The night service will be held of 05:00 pm on 09:00 pm.

dental services offered at the CEO are specialties such as Endodontics, periodontics, channel treatment, treatment of gums, special patient care; and small surgeries, as included, third molar teeth, tooth extraction sisos and others. Already in the basic calls, institutional brokers ’ estimate system work as caries prevention. In red earth, beyond the basic care, is offered the specialty of Endodontics.

the patient who needs dental service nightly may go as far a reference health unit for forwarding for basic treatment in one of two units and for access to the CEO, in the case of treatment of
