WASHINGTON (Reuters) – the Government of United States

reported Monday new operational rules for bags of

health state, which are key enforcement part insurance

federal health reform 2010 face historical

hearings at the Supreme Court in just two weeks.

Expected regulations, disclosed by the Department

of health and human services, aim to give to

legislators and State officials flexibility in deadlines

Federal end, while they face the complex task of

build State and regional insurance markets before the

deadline of January 1, 2014.

In a final 642-page resolution the Government delivers

guidance with respect to how States should establish

bags, qualify for participation health plans and

determine the eligibility of individuals and small

businesses who want to use bags to provide health coverage

their employees.

Of industry and consumer groups were with

Welcome regulations, stating that they give to the States the

flexibility to meet the needs of the

consumers of alternatives and quality controls.

Also said that regulations change the focus of the

policy at a State level, where the new rules must be


State bags are part of an effort to both flanks

to provide health coverage to about 30 million of

Americans Uninsured under the Act of

Protection of the patient and care accessible, also called to

a dramatic expansion of Medicaid, federal-estatal program

intended for the poor.

The bags are equivalent to State health markets

subsidized by the federal Government designed to operate as

Amazon.com, to deliver consumers based access in

Internet to affordable health plans that meet standards

minimum quality.

But the way in which hold State bags may be

determined by a case of the Supreme Court’s high-profile, in

that a business group and 26 States claim that you reform to

health should be rejected by unconstitutional because it requires

the majority of adults to buy private health insurance

or pay a fine.

This requirement aims to limit the risk in the bags to the

ensure that young and healthy adults.

In other words, say analysts, the bags could be

dominated by adults more old and sickly, which

would mean higher costs and less participation plans.

Supreme Court will hear arguments oral between 26 and 28

of March and is expected to issue a resolution on July 1.