Vegetarian this is a subject that always raises controversy, and even more among the defenders of this type of food lit. I have to say, although I like everything, yes I have good friends have a vegetarian diet and only sing her Excellencies. Since then, at a glance are seen estupendamente…

One of the most notable deficits that, supposedly, can cause this type of food is of bone mass. There is the possibility of this diet affects the bones? Apparently, the answer is Yes, but not in a relevant manner; new studies are beginning to demonstrate that it is only a myth, provided that the vegetarian diet is complete.

(the same month of October) has recently published a study to find the association between this type of food and mineral density of the bones of the human body, led by the Bone and Mineral Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

One of the first things that makes this study is to clearly differentiate the different vegetarian, diets is not the same to base food strictly vegetable than others which include such important elements for the formation of the bones as calcium (dairy) or the eggs.

In the analysis were investigated on the basis of nine studies, with a total sample of 869 1,880 men and women. Results unveiled that vegetarians were 4% less mineral density than the omnivorous. As for vegans (vegetarians who consume milk or eggs), were 6 percent less thick bone.

However, these figures are not significant, because there are many more factors that influence the formation of the bones, both vegetarian and non vegetarian: genetic inheritance, food in general, drugs or medical treatments, the consumption of other dietary elements that hinder the assimilation of the calcium…

In summary: a healthy adult person can be fed a vegetarian diet full and controlled, while the health of your bones will suffer for it … rather than that of any other.


Tags: diets vegetarian, bones problems