
see, even above, the types of vegetariano:

* Lacto-vegetarianism: although they do not consume meat products, fish, or eggs; if they take products dairy. This type of vegetarianism has been the best known historically, between Pythagoreans and many Hindus.

* Ovo-lacto-vegetarianism: is Variant is quite widespread in the Western world, as they allow the eggs and milk.

* Ovo-vegetarianismo: reject the milk, as well as meat and fish, but not the eggs. * api-vegetarianismo: approved the taking of honey, and you can combine with the previous types.

* Strict, vegelatinos or vegans: pets not allowed eggs, milk or honey, and within this group there are also vegans, who reject the use of all kinds of material animal.

* Crudívoros: are strict vegetarians but not processed ” foods, try to take them raw, slightly warm or cold, but never cooked, allege that the nutritional properties of estos. lost

Other types of diets as the pescetarianos, macrobiotic, granivorianos, eubióticos, etc. even though it is difficult to determine which are totally vegetarian or not, are from herbivores that only take grass, some who accept the milk, or even the fish. and you? do do a vegetarian diet? is it because do you? what is your motivation?

Tags: Diet, diet