Cancer desmitifiquemos.

June 3 day, international day of the cancer survivor.

-By the year 2015, 5% of the Spanish population will overcome cancer

-the Foundation group IMO, pioneered the launch of the first global aid programme to all survivors of cancer, the first aid programme for the patient that has overcome this disease

Madrid, June 2012.- in the year 2015, 5% of the Spanish population will overcome cancer. In Spain there will be more than 100,000 survivors of cancer each year and even in 2020 the number of surviving long, i.e. those who have been more than five years free of the disease, it will be increased to 50%. Figures showing success in an increasingly early diagnosis of the disease, as well as the effectiveness of cancer treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, radiosurgery, hormonotherapy etc..).

survivor or curing cancer, do and now what?

But the experience of the disease does not end when just treatment and begin the medical check-ups. Carmen Yélamos, Director of the IMO Group Foundation and the program ensures that every time there is increased demand to meet the demands of patient care that are free of this disease but suffer after-effects, returning to everyday life and when the patient comes to recover a previous diagnosis similar life began to emerge complications. Consequences ranging from physical aspects (pain, fatigue, Lymphedema, menopause, infertility, cardiac, neurological disorders, nausea etc.) and psycho-Oncology (fear of relapse, problems of body image and self-esteem, depression, anxiety, difficulties for sexual intercourse and joining the usual work activity) ”.

For the psycho-oncologist, Carmen Yélamos this is the panorama which often face of cancer survivors. I am delighted that increasingly have a greater awareness of the difficulties of a collective that fortunately is most numerous. Since the IMO Group Foundation has been working several years in work like the rest of institutions and organizations in the fight against cancer in demystifying a disease against which we must keep fighting and which now obliges us to face new challenges after having passed a life threatening illness ”.

a support programme paara cancer patients

the question that many patients wonder is: what happens once the disease is exceeded and just treatment? To meet the needs of the time, the IMO Group Foundation launched in 2008 this pioneering initiative in Spain:, the most comprehensive website for survivors of this pathology. It is estimated that 90% of patients using the Internet as the second form acquire information about your needs against disease. Thanks to this new tool, you can find information and support transmitted over the network by other people who have lived their same situation.

This is the first global aid program mainly aimed at patients facing a diagnosis of cancer or the treatments. Persons who have overcome the disease are the main players who bring their positive experiences and experiences. The main objective is to offer new insights into cancer, more positive and life in addition to facilitating mutual support between those affected by this pathology. ”.

The objective is to facilitate the reintegration into normal life of the survivor of cancer. After a traumatic period, there are many questions that assail them. The first, on his own healing, because of the multiple criteria (from having spent five years without new symptoms to the own perception of the patient). But often arise others related to their social integration ( can go out with normal? how will receive me my environment? ”), his return to professional life ( at what time is suitable to work again? ”) or continuation of a personal and intimate life ( I can get pregnant? I can have sex normally? ”). In many cases, combating these insecurities is easy knowing the history of other patients who have gone through the same situation.

The web has been developed with the dual purpose of serve as a point of information and support. Patients themselves are most suitable persons to narrate their own experience and to inform the persons newly diagnosed or in treatment phase things that you helped them know at the time to deal with the disease. His testimony, commitment, courage and ability to overcome are, without doubt, the best incentive and challenge for all those that are now faced with this process. To provide specialized medical information, the portal will have all the knowledge of specialists group IMO, thereby ensuring a thorough technical rigor.

New Website

In the coming months a new website,, which already is underway will be reinforced with new content and stories as well as new informative tools to help the survivor of cancer.

who are

the Foundation group IMO is a nonprofit linked to the IMO group, whose aims of general interest include research, development and dissemination of techniques and treatments of radiotherapy and radiosurgery and other techniques of vanguard in the treatment of cancer, and the promotion, protection and support for the Organization and development of formative and informative activities related to cancer treatments.

Curadosdecáncer. com is a program of care and support the Foundation group IMO psychosocial – Madrid Institute of Oncology for cancer survivors. He was born in January 2008 with the objectives provide a useful tool for survivors of cancer (information, social support, etc.) through specialists to facilitate the reintegration into everyday life, generate a network of support among them as well as facilitate a useful and reliable resource on care to the health professional to the person that goes beyond a cancer.