What is a Root Canal?
Root Canal
This method is commonly known as “pay off the nerve.” Is the removal of the vascular-nerve block is inside the tooth and that is causing the tooth pain.
Using special instruments is inside a tooth cleaning achieving remove any infection. Each tooth has a bunch of other vessels that expand within the same forming a network of channels or nerves. Endodontics achieves clean every nerve and leave the tooth prepared for further healing.
When and why a root canal done?
Runs in cases of irreversible pulpitis and acute and chronic pain palliation and prevention in cases when the method is expected to restorative alone does not ensure the optimal health of the tooth in question.
The vast majority of endodontic procedures are performed by large cavities, they attain the nerve and causes intense pain. At other times it is in teeth with chronic pulp involvement, ie, teeth in which the nerves have already been lost by an infection (necrosis) but not painful. In these cases, sometimes there is a fistula, ie, a small bulge out from time to time about 10 mm. above the crown of the tooth affected.
Treatment step by step
After numbing the tooth, we proceed to remove all tissue affected by caries to leave the tooth completely clean. After you enter the nerve.
The next step is to measure the tooth root by X-ray and an instrument optimized for this method. Just after we know the length of the pipe, proceed to clean the canal along which the nerve.
Finally, the tooth completely disinfected, dried and is sealed to seal tightly.
Effectiveness of endodontics
If you have a very high pain, the ejeuci�n this treatment improves the sensation of pain instantly, leaving only a slight sensation of pain will cease immediately.
Long-term consequences
A root canal treated tooth suffers a weakening in the medium or long term can induce a tooth fracture. To this is added the great loss of tooth structure is removed when cleaning the cavities. Therefore, it is advisable to place a porcelain crown to strengthen these teeth and maintain long-term integrity.
Does it hurt?
The method of root canal is done with local anesthesia. The patient suffers no pain during the method. Only in some cases, to spend the anesthesia concerns a slight feeling of discomfort in the area, which is passed to the 4 or 5 days. To reduce these mild discomfort and anti-inflammatory painkillers are prescribed.
How much?
The price varies from root canal specialist to another, prices start from 260 euros. Check with your dental practice.