what is the Avelar Abdominoplasty?
• an Avelar Abdominoplasty is a combination of surgical removal of excess skin and tumescent liposuction.
• surgery is performed only with anesthesia local.
• get less bruising and injuries after an Avelar Abdominoplasty in comparison with an Abdominoplasty complete.
• patients can enjoy a thinner abdominal wall compared to a thicker wall after the procedure.
• there are even removing fat through the tumescent liposuction and no unwanted fat deposits.
• patients can resume exercising much earlier compared to a complete Abdominoplasty with a better tone of the wall abdominal.
Avelar Abdominoplasty procedure
• patient receives anesthesia local.
• he or she is placed in the table of operations or of work.
• doctor makes several incisions depending on the type of Abdominoplasty Avelar (mini or full Avelar).
• tumescent fluid is injected and then the fat sucks.
• excess skin is cut and tight with a few small incisions on the Abdominoplasty.
• the patient is given high along with several medicines to take and instructions to follow. This will ensure a more rapid recovery and more secure.
Avelar Abdominoplasty cost
cost an Avelar Abdominoplasty depends on several factors, including:
• installation where the patient was operated. You can add certain charges extras such as the use of equipment or rooms.
• the type of anesthesia is administered.
• the type of Abdominoplasty Avelar.
• fees of medical, anesthetic and other medical personnel involved in the procedure.